Join us

GP 23


We are always looking for motivated scholars to collaborate with.

If you have external funding or are interested in applying to fellowship funding, please email Jerelle directly. Here are some available fellowship opportunities (not an exhaustive list): 

PhD students

Any interested graduate student should apply directly to join Princeton as a PhD student. If you are already a graduate student at Princeton and you are interested in joining our group, send Jerelle an email describing your research interests and experience to-date.

Undergraduate students

If you are an undergraduate student interested in conducting research in the Joseph Group, please email Jerelle describing your research interests. No previous research experience is required. Note that students are not permitted to volunteer in research labs and must either be enrolled in a program for undergraduate students or hired as an employee. 

Undergraduate students are encouraged to apply to the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs (both Princeton and non-Princeton students can apply for these BUT you must already have right to study in the US).